Monday, February 3, 2014

What is your dream vacation?

While I was working as an SME on a work from home job, my manager asked me to write a short essay about our dream vacation. She has a task she wants us to do and was checking our writing prowess hahaha!! I always want to see the Pyramids of Egypt so this is what I wrote: 

I can feel the scorching heat of the sun, the hot dry air of the desert touching my face, parching my throat dry and playing with

my hair. I can already see the silhouette of the three triangles in front of us. Even though I have my shades on, it is hard to look far as the sand reflects the sunlight. But with all the discomforts on my week long vacation, my heart is thumping as I finally can check one of my bucket lists, to see the Pyramids of Egypt. 

The cab that we are riding will take us from Cairo to the Pyramids of Giza within an hour or more. I would prefer to ride a camel since I felt this is more romantic scene as I approach the pyramids but then it could take hours just to get there. And besides, the cab is more comfortable and I have my partner with me on this trip so I will settle for that. 

Acres and acres stretch of sand and a few minutes more, we are now in front of the pyramids. It feels surreal as you see the gigantic structure of the ancient Egyptian civilization. You can still sense the clashing of whips as slaves carry the heavy limestone up. You can see in your mind as the Egyptian pharaoh looks where his body would lie on his death hoping for a life after death. The Great Pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops), Kafhre, and Menkaura stand majestic and grand. I can only stare in awe as I absorb its beauty and grandeur. Looking at its beauty, I felt my hand being pulled and a loud buzzing sound in my ear. I closed my eyes and when I opened it back, I saw the white ceiling in my room. It was just a dream vacation after all.

How about you? What is your dream vacation?

Pyramids at Giza

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